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English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music

Contredance de Paris

17 Favourite Cotillions, 6 Country Dances and 2 Minuets for 1783, by Francis Werner
8 barsFIRST CHANGE: Dance whole circle right -
8 bars- and back again
8 barsThe head couples lead up, ballance and Rigadon, then turn to face the side couples then balance and rigadon
8 barsThe head couples pass through the side couples back to places, and two hand turn their partners
8 barsThe side couples lead up, ballance and Rigadon, then turn to face the head couples then balance and rigadon
8 barsThe side couples pass through the head couples back to places, and two hand turn their partners
8 barsThe ladies advance, balance and rigadon, then hands across half around while the men circle around the outside, meeting at opposite places
8 barsThe men advance, balance and rigadon, then hands across half around while the ladies circle around the outside, meeting at opposite places
8 barsAll chasse croise with partners and rigadon, then turn the person at the corner
8 barsAll choise croise back with partners and rigadon, then turn the person at the corner
Continue with 2nd change, main figure, third change and so on

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