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English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music

Le Vainqueur

A Cotillion by Mr Siret
A Set of Cotillons or French Dances, 1770
16 barsFIRST CHANGE: All 8 Set, rigadon and circle right half way, Set, rigadon and back again
8 barsChange places with the person opposite, then half turn with your partner
4 barsCouples join hands, and as a couplet chasse croise along the line and set (ending diagonally opposite your starting position)
4 barsRight hand turn the person opposite
4 barsAll lead in to the middle, turn around your opposite, and fall back into place (ending diagonally opposite your starting position)
4 barsCouples join hands, and as a couplet chasse croise along the line and set
8 barsIn two groups of 4, three passes of rights and lefts (partners first) ending one place to the left in a square
4 barsAll chasse croise with their partner
4 barsAll right hand turn their neighbour, then set
4 barsThe side ladies cross over, and turn their partners; the head couples allemande turn
4 barsThe head men cross over, and turn their partners; the side couples allemande turn
Continue with 2nd change, main figure, third change and so on; return to original starting positions as part of the changes

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