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English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music

La Bonne Femme

A Cotillion by Mr Siret
A Set of Cotillons or French Dances, 1770
16 barsFIRST CHANGE: Set, rigadon and circle right half way, set, rigadon and back again
3 barsEach head dancer dance around the person on their corner, ending in horizontal lines across the set (heads in the middle)
1 barsAll half right hand turn to put the sides in the middle
3 barsThe sides join left hands in the middle to form a cross, and all set; then quarter turn into vertical lines (sides in the middle)
1 barsThe heads drop backwards into their original positions, to form two vertical lines (sides in the middle)
4 barsForm couples across the lines (heads with partner, sides with opposite) and allemande turn
4 barsNow form partners along the line, and allemande turn
4 barsRemaining with the current partner, chasse croise as a pair, each pair swapping places vertically along the line; all set to the person across from them
4 bars(you are now in two groups of 4), hands across in each group of 4 once around
8 barsRepeat the previous 8 bars back again
8 bars(remaining the the two groups of 4) 3 passes of rights and lefts, end in two lines across (heads in the middle, sides at original position)
8 bars(in two new groups of 4) 3 passes of rights and lefts, ending with everyone in their original positions
Continue with 2nd change, main figure, third change and so on

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