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English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music

Les Jolie Dame

A new March, 6 new Minuets, 6 new Cotillons and 2 new Country Dances
8 barsFIRST CHANGE: Dance whole circle right -
8 bars- and back again
4 barsThe head couple chasse to the right ending in the middle with their backs to the side couples
4 barsThe head men take their opposite lady, and chasse back to their own places (the ladies end opposite where they began)
8 barsRepeat for the side couples
8 barsThe ladies form a right hand star and half moulinet home, take their partners with their left hand, and continue back to opposite places
8 barsAll promenade home, acknowledging opposites at each quarter
Continue with 2nd change, main figure, third change and so on

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