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Hart's Herz Set - 4th La Trenise

Herz's Celebrated Quadrilles, arranged by Joseph Binns Hart.
Introduction and Honours (8 bars)
8 barsHead couples Chain des Dames
4 barsThe head couples long balance to their partners
4 barsThe head couples two-hand turn their partners
8 barsFirst couple advance and retire, advance again; the man retires while the lady crosses to the left of the opposite man
4 barsThe first man advances and sets; the two ladies cross the set and pass each other behind him.
4 barsThe first man retires back home and rigadons; the ladies cross again in front of him and return to their positions beside the second man
8 barsThe first couple advance, set to each other in the centre, and turn to the left back to their original places
Repeat for each couple in turn. After the final couple has led, a chase croise is danced by all four couples.

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