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La Timide

XXIV New Cotillons, 1768, by James Longman
Introduction and Honours (8 bars)
16 barsFIRST CHANGE: set rigadon and half round, and back again
4 barsThe head couples move in front of their right side couple, all rigadon
4 barsThe head couples move to the opposite side, turning the lady under the mans arm, then chasse croise to end improper
8 barsRepeat for the side couples
4 barsThe Ladies meet in the middle with left hands, taking the men with right hands for a half moulinette
4 barsEach couple rigadon then chasse croise to proper place
8 barsThe four men contratemp and make a right handed star
Continue with change and main figure as often as desired using the same change each time.

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