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English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music

Le Petit Bois

A cotillion
16 Cotillons, 16 Minuets, 12 Allemands & 12 Hornpipes by James Fishar, c.1773.
Introduction and Honours (8 bars)
16 barsFIRST CHANGE: All 8 balance, rigadon, and half circle round to the right; balance, rigadon, and return to the left
MAIN FIGURE (32 bars)
8 barsEach couple chasse croise and rigadon with the person they meet at the corner, then half turn with that person and rigadon
8 barsEach new couple chasse croise and rigadon with the person they meet at the corner, then half turn with that person and rigadon
8 barsHead couples advance with contretems, then chasse croise; half turn with their vis-a-vis, then contretems backwards into home positions
8 barsSide couples advance with contretems, then chasse croise; half turn with their vis-a-vis, then contretems backwards into home positions
CONTINUE AS 2nd Change, Main Figure, 3rd Change, and so on...

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