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English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music

La Grotesque

A Cotillion by Giovanni Gallini
Collection of Cotillons or French Dances, 1770, Number VIII
8 barsFIRST CHANGE: Dance whole circle right -
8 bars- and back again
8 barsThe head couples move to the front of the couple on their left, then pass between them and stops behind them; everyone turns to face the person behind them and rigadons
8 barsEvery one chasse to the corners with their vis-a-vis, then turn half round to change places; everyone advances towards their partners and turns home
8 barsThe first couple make an arch and the opposite couple pass through it to swap places, then half turn to become proper; repeat for the fourth couple
8 barsHalf a grand chain to return home
Continue with 2nd change, main figure, third change and so on
Changes may be 8 or 16 bars long; if youre using our recording the changes are 16 bars long

You may copy this notation, with attribution, for non-commercial use
subject to Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)











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