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English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music

La Precieuse

A Cotillion by Giovanni Gallini
Collection of Cotillons or French Dances, 1770, Number XXXIII
Introduction and Honours (8 bars)
8 barsFIRST CHANGE: Dance whole circle right -
8 bars- and back again
8 barsThe head men with left hand take their partners right hand, their inside hands are placed behind their partner; promenade across the set and back again
8 barsThe side men with left hand take their partners right hand, their inside hands are placed behind their partner; promenade across the set and back again
16 barsThe men chasse croise to swap places with the lady on the right, the ladies to swap with the man on the left; all rigadon; repeat three more times to return home
8 barsThe ladies contretemps into the set and rigadon, then allemande turn their partners back home
8 barsThe men contretemps into the set and rigadon, then allemande turn their partners back home
Continue with 2nd change, main figure, third change and so on
Changes may be 8 or 16 bars long; if you are using our recording the changes are 16 bars long

You may copy this notation, with attribution, for non-commercial use
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