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English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music

La Galante

Four or more rows of four dancers across the room with progression up and down the room. Note: This is the second cycle of the dance to show the ends
French, circa 1800. Music: Beethoven Kontretanze W0O14 no 3.
Introduction and Honours (8 bars)
8 barsAll advance and retire and then pass right shoulders to change places
8 barsAll advance and retire and then pass right shoulders to return back to place
8 barsAll couples dance a ladies chain
8 barsAll couples dance a left hand mens chain
8 barsRight hand and left hand moulinette at the centre while end couples right and left hand hand turn
8 barsFour changes of circular hey
4 barsAll advance and retire then advance and pass through to the next set (the progression)
4 barsProgress by passing through to the next row, turning at the ends
Pass through to the next set, while adjacent sets pass in to these positions. At ends turn left or right as a couple to face a new couple. Repeat the dance.

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