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English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music

Prince of Wales

Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette, 11th September 1890
16 barsFIRST CHANGE: Dance whole circle right - and back again
8 barsThe head couples rigadon then contretems forward; they take two hands with the person they are facing and half turn, then rigadon once again
8 barsThe head couples contretems backwards, half allemande with their partnes, then two changes of rights and lefts to return home
8 barsThe side couples rigadon then contretems forward; they take two hands with the person they are facing and half turn, then rigadon once again
8 barsThe side couples contretems backwards, half allemande with their partnes, then two changes of rights and lefts to return home
16 barsAll four couples promenade one position around and allemande, then repeat three more times to return home
8 barsAll 4 couples Chasse Croise and rigadon, and back again
Continue with 2nd change, main figure, third change and so on

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