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English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music

Lord Nelson

Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette, 11th September 1890
8 barsFIRST CHANGE: Dance half circle right - and back again
4 barsThe four men move forwards and towards the lady to their right briefly acknowledging each other in passing, they two-hand turn that lady and end in her partners original position
4 barsThe four men repeat the previous figure in order to progress one more position
4 barsThe head ladies move forwards to the opposite man briefly acknowledging each other in passing, they two-hand turn that man (their partner) and end next to him
4 barsThe side ladies move forwards to the opposite man briefly acknowledging each other in passing, they two-hand turn that man (their partner) and end next to him
8 barsThe four ladies form a right hand star and their partners take their left hand, all moulinet once around
8 barsThe four men form a left hand star and their partners take their right hand, all moulinet once around
4 barsAll partners join hands and promenade back home
4 barsAll chasse croise with their partners and return
Continue with 2nd change, main figure, third change and so on

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