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My Grandmothers Quadrilles - 4th L'Arethusa

My Grandmothers Quadrilles, by James Platts
Introduction and Honours (16 bars)
8 barsThe head couples chasse-croise with demi-balance
8 barsThe head couples Chaine des Dames (the head ladies pass each other in the centre, giving right hands, then turn the opposite man with left hands; meet again in the centre with right hands, and turn partners with left, ending at home positions)
4 barsThe head couples Promenade to change places (the head men take their partners in crossed hand promenade hold, and change situations passing to the right, 3 Chassés Jetté and Assemblé)
4 barsThe head couples half Chaine Anglaise (the head couples return home passing opposites with right hands, and partners with left, 3 Chassés Jetté and Assemblé)
8 barsThe first man dances solo
8 barsThe opposite lady dances solo
4 barsThe head couples Balancé to partners (the head couples turn to face each other, Balancé and Sissone Balotté Jetté and Assemblé)
4 barsThe head couples two hand turn around to the left (3 Chassés Jetté and Assemblé)
Repeat the dance for 2nd, 3rd and 4th man

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