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White's 13th Set - 4th Le Trousseau

The Thirteenth Set of White's Quadrilles
Introduction and Honours (8 bars)
8 barsThe head couples Chaine des Dames (the head ladies pass each other in the centre, giving right hands, then turn the opposite man with left hands; meet again in the centre with right hands, and turn partners with left, ending at home positions)
4 barsThe head couples Balancé to partners (the head couples turn to face each other, Balancé and Sissone Balotté Jetté and Assemblé)
4 barsThe head couples two hand turn around to the left (3 Chassés Jetté and Assemblé)
4 barsThe first couple advance and retire (the man joins right hands with his partners left, Chassé, Jetté and Assemblé forward then back)
4 barsThe first couple advance again, the man leaves his lady on the left of the opposite man and returns back to his place (Chassé, Jetté and Assemblé twice)
2 barsThe two ladies cross the set into opposite places as the first man passes between them and turns to face them
2 barsThe two ladies Chassez Croisez to change sides as the man sets before them
2 barsThe two ladies cross the set again, the man passes between them back to his place
2 barsThe two ladies change sides again, avoiding the second man
4 barsThe first lady crosses home and makes a Balancé to her partner (the second lady may make a Balancé to her partner too)
4 barsThe first couple two hand turns (the second couple may turn too, 3 Chassés Jetté and Assemblé)
Repeat for each couple in turn.

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