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English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music

White's 1st Set - 3rd Le Pont Levis

Sett 1, White's Quadrilles
Introduction and Honours (8 bars)
4 barsThe first lady and her opposite swap places giving their right hands in passing, and set
4 barsThe first lady and her opposite swap back giving their left hands in passing, and set
4 barsThe head couples join right hands and quarter turn the men into the centre; then set twice in a serpentine line (4 Jettés)
4 barsThe head couples continue to hold right hands, join left hands (the outer dancers turning) and half promenade into opposite positions, passing to the right of the opposite couple (3 Chassés Jetté and Assemblé)
4 barsThe first lady and her opposite advance and retire (Chassé, Jetté and Assemblé, and back)
4 barsThe first lady and her opposite pass each other to the left and retire to the right, back to back (this figure is frequently performed by passing round each other face to face)
4 barsThe head couples advance and retire (the men join right hands with their partners left, Chassé, Jetté and Assemblé and back)
4 barsThe head couples half Chaine Anglaise back home (they cross to their places, in passing give right hands to their opposites, then left to their partners, 3 Chassés Jetté and Assemblé)
Repeat the dance for 2nd, 3rd and 4th lady

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